Transformations and SymmetrySymmetry
A figure or shape has symmetry, if it looks the same after being transformed in some way (e.g. reflection or rotation).
An object is symmetric if it looks the same, even after applying a certain transformation.

We can reflect this butterfly, and it looks the same afterwards. We say that it has reflectional symmetry.

We can rotate this flower, and it looks the same afterwards. We say that it has rotational symmetry.
Reflectional Symmetry
A shape has A shape has reflectional symmetry if it looks the same after being reflected. If a shape has reflectional symmetry, the axis of symmetry is the line that divides it into two equal halves.
Draw all axes of symmetry in these six images and shapes:

This shape has
A square has
This shape has
Many letters in the alphabet have reflectional symmetry. Select all the ones that do:
Here are some more shapes. Complete them so that they have reflectional symmetry:
Shapes, letters and images can have reflectional symmetry, but so can entire numbers, words and sentences!
For example “25352” and “ANNA” both read the same from back to front. Numbers or words like this are called A palindrome is a word or number that reads the same from back to front as it does from front to back. For example, 25752 and “ANNA” are both palindromes.
If we ignore spaces and punctuation, the short sentences below also have reflectional symmetry. Can you come up with your own?
Never odd or even.
Yo, banana
But Palindromes are not just fun, they actually have practical importance. A few years ago, scientists discovered that parts of our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule that contains the genetic blueprint of all living organisms. Most DNAs consist of two strands forming a double helix. Genetic information is encoded in the order of four nucleic acids (A, G, C and T) which make up the DNA. DNA sequencing is the process of extracting this information – an essential technique in biology, medicine, genetics and biotechnology.
Rotational Symmetry
A shape has A shape has rotational symmetry if it looks the same after being rotated (by less than 360°). The center of rotation is the point around which a shape is being rotated.
The If a shape has rotational symmetry, the order of symmetry is the number of orientations in which the shape looks the same. (Or, it is the number of times you can rotate the shape, before we get back to the start.)
The angle of each rotation is
Find the order and the angle of rotation, for each of these shapes:



Now complete these shapes, so that they have rotational symmetry:
Order 4
Order 2
Order 4